Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Papa Of The Year!

March of 2009, Tyler's nephew, Mason was born. We got the news while we were still at Mount Union and Tyler didn't seem overly excited...that is until he went home for Easter break and saw Mason for the first time.

I received this picture, along with hundreds more that weekend. 
I knew Tyler was in love with this little baby.

After seeing so many pictures and hearing so much about Mason, I couldn't wait to meet him! Of course I instantly fell in love with him and was over joyed when I was also able to call him my nephew. 
Tyler and I loved Mason so much and I believe Tyler said something along the lines of, "Whenever we have a baby, they are going to have a lot to live up to. I don't know how I could love another baby as much as I love Mason." 

And then we had Landon...
Of course we still love Mason so much and I feel so blessed to be able to watch him grow up, but having your own child to love just doesn't compare.

Tyler is the first to get up to change his diapers, always willing feed Landon, plays with him every free minute he has, and loves this little boy unlike I have ever seen a dad love a son.

Since I nursed Landon, Tyler couldn't be much help during those late night feedings, but he would wake up early in the mornings with him so I could stay in bed, and stay up late with him so I could get a few extra hours of sleep.

I've been told having a baby can make or break a relationship and I can see where that can be true for a some people, but this is not the case for us, even considering Landon's entrance into the world.

When we left for the hospital that day, I was crying a lot. Mostly because of pain, but also because I was really scared. Tyler took me in his arms and said, "Everything will be okay. No matter what we have to do, it will be okay." And he was right...everything was okay. Our lives changed in one of the most drastic ways possible, but we were and still are okay.

In fact, we are more than okay. Or marriage has done nothing but get more and more beautiful every day we get to spend with each other and with Landon.

Landon thinks his Papa is the best. Tyler can make him laugh harder than anyone else.
When Landon wakes up and I get him out of his crib, one of the first things he says is, "Papa...Papa" in a whisper of course (I'm still not sure why he whispers it). He will crawl through the house until he finds him. 
Today I found Tyler singing Landon this song. 
Of course he just made it up on the spot, but Landon loved it (notice the applause at the end).
I couldn't ask for a better man to love.

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