Monday, July 29, 2013

Landon, I Want You To Know...

Landon rarely lets me hold him anymore. Of course he always wants me to pick him up, but as far as cuddling, or being close, he really wants no part in that. He is so curious and constantly exploring as much as he can...even though he can't really go anywhere yet.

He really is growing so fast. Everyone says, "When you have babies, they grow up really fast." Of course you don't really believe it until you have your own.

I swear Landon grows every time he goes to sleep. When I go into his room after he wakes up from a nap, he always seems taller or heavier.
His face matures more and more everyday and with that, he continues to get cuter and cuter (if that is possible).

With this being said, I try to soak up every second I can with him. I don't want to miss one single thing. When I say, "If I could attach a camera to Landon, I literally would do it." Time is so precious with him.

So, I'm writing this post for him.

Landon, there are some things I would like you to understand:

1. You will always have choices to make.
We have been giving you choices since you were born. We let you choose your bedtime stories, which jar of baby food you would like to have for lunch, the pajamas you wear to sleep, and which toy you would like to take with you in the car. I understand holding up two choices and you just grabbing one is probably not the most accurate way for you to choose something, but as a (now) seven month old, its a great start. However, someday, you are going to have to make real, hard, life changing decisions. Just know that I will back you up, even if I don't agree with you. You will learn from your mistakes and I can try to give advice as you want it, but the choices you make will be yours.

2. When you grow up, ask your Dad for help/advice.
He knows how to treat women with respect and I expect nothing less from you. He opens doors for me, dances with me, makes me feel cherished, beautiful, and admired, and he loves me unconditionally. Someday, if you choose to pursue a woman, she should be treated the same way.

3. But, don't just ask for dating advice...
Learn from his work ethic and dedication. He is one of the hardest workers I know. He works until things are done and he does them well.

4. Always show your emotions.
In this society, a man can come off as "weak" if he willingly shows his emotions. I challenge you to shatter that stereotype. Be sensitive and allow yourself to feel happiness, sadness, fear, excitement, grief, anger, and love.

5. Don't feel the pressure to be "the best" or the "smartest."
From the time a baby is born, there is pressure for them to role over before they are supposed to, read chapter books before they enter kindergarden, and to graduate college in three years instead of four. Of course I want you to work hard and do great things, but I don't want you to be "the best" according to societies standards...I just want you to be the best Landon you can possibly be. You already have so much potential and I can't wait to see how you take part in making this world more like God created it.

6. Get tattoos if you want them! (Please be sensible though)
In fact, take me with you.

7. Take full advantage of your naps.
Lately, you seem to be skipping out on some precious sleep time throughout the day. Trust me when I say, "Someday, you are going to want to take a nap or sleep in and you just won't be able to." Since you have the chance now, take it.

8. Please, keep surprising me.
You have literally been surprising me since the day you were born. Your birthday was the biggest and best surprise I have ever been given.  But, beyond that, you surprise me all the time. You learn how to do things without me even teaching you! You behave better than I would have ever expected a seven month old to behave. I know that someday, you may unpleasantly surprise me and although I may act like it is not okay, it is okay and I will love you through it.

9. There is nothing you can do that will change my love for you.
It is hard for me to look at you and know that someday, you are going to make me mad. You will do something you are not supposed to or make a choice that isn't great, but regardless of any of that...I will love you.

10. Take your time growing up.
Enjoy your childhood and everything that comes with it. Play in the mud and get dirty, make blanket forts in the living room, play with a baby doll if you want, build lego castles, stay outside all day, ride your bike through puddles.

11. Above all of this, know that I love you.
When I married your dad, I didn't know how I would have any more love to give anyone else. Then, you were born. You didn't take any of the love I have for your dad, but you created a new kind of love in me that I didn't know existed. I'm sorry that you get the, "I'm the first child and mama has no idea what she is doing" thing sometimes, but I love that we are learning together. Thank you for being such a patient, loving, sweet, ADORABLE, funny, chill, little boy. I thank God for entrusting me with you and I promise to give you what you need to flourish in this world.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Consuming Thought

My husband is a genius (in my eyes). He reads, listens to, and observes so much stuff! I don't always appreciate his knowledge because some times, I just have a hard time feeling interested about ancient history, the hebrew or greek language, geology, or the difference between direct and indirect communication and why it is, "so fascinating."

Don't get me wrong, there are some things I love hearing him talk about. His way of explaining things to me is amazing and really engaging. He is a great story teller and a great teacher. I would even venture to say I have learned more about, living like Jesus, from him the years he taught at campus church than I have my entire life. He is incredible.

Now, there are occasions where he will have read things or listen to something that can really hold my attention.

For example, he was once listening to this man give a talk. I'm not sure what the context was, but he said something that really stuck with me. I honestly think about it everyday.

He said, "Everything is amazing and we are still not happy."

How true is this?!

He gave a list of examples. Some of them were humorous, but I see things happening everyday and I can't help but think, everything is amazing and we are still not happy.

You go into a restaurant and you order something off the menu. Maybe you wanted your ketchup on the side and they put it on the burger instead. It's so easy to complain and send it back instead of just being thankful for having luxury of going to a restaurant and having someone else cook your meal for you.

Or, have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered an appetizer and you were too full to eat your actual meal. Who would of thought we would live in a world where we have, "too much food."

Tyler and I recently moved into our new home. Our things were supposed to be shipped three weeks ago and we found out this week that our things are still in L.A. We are pretty frustrated (to say the least). However, our home came partially furnished, we have a wonderful community that has helped provide us with meals (since we have nothing to cook with), and we actually have all the essentials of life. I'm finding out just how little you actually need to live comfortably.
But if we are being completely honest here, I still would like our stuff. At least my bike...

I'm ridiculous in the sense that I get annoyed when there isn't an outlet close enough to the couch that I can plug my computer or Iphone charger into. 

Everything is amazing and we are still not happy.

One of my great friends, Sarah Roper, posted this article from the Huffington Post and it sort of plays off what I am talking about. Check it out.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Must Confess...

I hate flies and I kill them with every chance I get. I know, I know...they have the breath of life too, but  they drive me insane. When one comes in the house, I rarely give up until I squish it. I'm even guilty of leaving the smashed fly on the window...

I am fascinated by tattoos. I'm already planning my next two.

Secretly, I like Justin Bieber's music. I'm actually mad at myself for this. His tunes are just so catchy.

Watching Dance Moms is such a guilty pleasure. That show is absolutely ridiculous, yet it continues to suck me in week after week. 

I may or may not have eaten a half a jar of Nutella in a week...

If I could attached a permanent camera to Landon's face, I would do it. I hate missing good picture opportunities. 

My clothes have to match or it makes me uncomfortable. Even the accessories.

I'm guilty of sneaking into hotel pools. The Westin was right across the street from our Pasadena apartment and I took great advantage of their swimming pool. BUT! I'm not the only one that did this (and I know that doesn't make it ok).

My desire to have a puppy has vanished. Before we had Landon, I was constantly talking about getting a dog. Now, that is at the very bottom of my priority list. 

I am terrible at drinking alcohol. You are probably thinking, "That is a good thing". But I mean really terrible. I can't stand the taste of it. No leisurely glass of wine for me...ever. Yuck.
I feel the same about coffee.

Seeing a deceased person really freaks me out. This is kind of ironic considering my dad's career. but I can't even stand the smell of flowers because it reminds me of a funeral home and then I get goose bumps...

I'm not sure that I want anymore children. Landon is so great, why jinx it? But, I am open to the possibility of my mind changing...eventually. 

I love Mac products and am completely against any company that mocks them (mostly samsung). 

I wish I read more books.

I'm a nerd when it comes to the anatomy. Most of the books I have are about the human body.

I am a feast for mosquitos. I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten west nile virus.

I'd choose cuddling with Landon over (almost) anything. 

I wish I were more creative and crafty. 

Tyler basically wrote one of my history papers in college. I got an A. 

I shave my arms. Weird...I know.

My geography and directional skills are really embarrassing.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I love being Landon's Mama

Just recently, Landon started saying, "Ma Ma."

He has been saying the syllable, "mmmmm" for a few weeks now (usually when he is hungry).

But when he finally said heart melted.

At first, I thought he was saying it only because it is one of the easiest syllables for a baby to say, but as the week has progressed, I think he is actually meaning what he is saying.

Hearing him say, "Ma Ma" is probably one of the greatest feelings I have ever experienced. He used to just look at me or cry when he wanted me to pick me up, but now he calls me by the only name he knows for me. Now that he can call me by name, I really can't resist picking him up and loving on him.

Tyler and I were having our anniversary dinner last night and I asked him if he ever feels overwhelmingly in love with Landon. The love I have for this little boy is something I have never experienced, nor can I explain it. It is almost frustrating because I feel like I can't express just how much I love this little human being.

I am so thankful that God in trusted me to be his mama. work on Papa :)