Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Landon's Laughter

Landon's laugh is contagious.

He can laugh at anything...
     or nothing at all.

Sometimes, he will just look at Tyler and I and start cracking up. It is amazing to me that he can be so happy with absolutely nothing going on around him. 

He is entertained by:
- Taking a bath
- People talking to him
- Anything he can chew on
- Bright lights
- Tyler's guitar playing
- Bedtime stories
- Going for walks
- His toys
- Blowing raspberries
- Funny sounds
- Having conversations with us (or himself)

Notice I didn't mention a TV, a phone, a computer, or other electronic devices in front of him.

I think this is one of the greatest things Landon has taught me. 

Too often I think we need to be entertained by something instead of simply just being and enjoying the simple things that surround us.

He is constantly teaching me things and I'm sure this will continue for the next 20+ years of his life.


  1. I thoroughly enjoy the blog you have started writing. I absolutely love this form of watching him grow. He is truly a blessing from God for you and Tyler, "your little angel"!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I enjoy writing...it is a nice place for me to organize my thoughts :)
