Seriously, its been a long time since I have even visited my blog page. There isn't one specific reason I stopped blogging, but I can think of a few.
1. Life happens and it can be crazy and messy and busy and all of the above at the exact same time.
2. When Toren was just learning to pull himself and cruse around furniture, he knocked my computer off the table which left me without a computer for quite some time.
He has also shattered THREE iPhone screens in the last two years. Don't let him touch your stuff.
3. In the past, I've felt like my posts had to have some sort of "moral of the story" and I've recently come to the realization - that isn't realistic. There isn't always a conclusion and its ok to not always have a resolution.
4. Does what I say or think actually matter? In the grand scheme of things, it probably doesn't, but thats ok too! Nobody is forcing you against your will to read.
Ive decided to start blogging again for my sake. I think a space where I can be real and vulnerable, is important for my emotional health...even if vulnerability is terrifying for an introvert like myself.
I probably don't have a ton of helpful insight, but I'll at least post cute pictures of my children every once in awhile and everyone can benefit from that! Right?
My goal is to have a new post once a week. If I'm feeling real good, maybe more than once, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself. I'm all about realistic goals and expectations.
I know I've change a lot in the last year and a half.
I've changed, my marriage has changed, my outlook on life and what I think it means to be a human has definitely changed and I want to have a place to sort thoughts and maybe encourage someone along the way.
So, if you want to join me on this journey, read, share, comment, engage! I would love to interact with y'all more.
And if you haven't already, check out my Meet The Blogger page! There is a little bit of an update on me and our family there. And of course, cute pictures of Landon and Toren.