Babies are exhausting.
Especially when they seem to be on a sleeping strike that starts every night at 4am.
But sometimes, at 6am, regardless of how much you want to sleep, you pick him up out of his crib and you simply hold him close to your warm body.
He immediately snuggles into you, relaxes, and falls into a deep sleep. And against better judgement and regardless of the fact that letting your baby sleep with you was one of the things you said you would never do, you take him back into to bed with you and you melt into the warmness of the blankets.
You look at his sweet face and hold his tiny, yet ever growing, body and you realize something.
You realize in just a few short years, that will pass in what will seem like record time, instead of holding him in your arms, you will be fighting him to wake up for school.
Instead of bringing him back to the warm blankets, you'll be getting him dressed, fed, and rushing out the door just to make it to school on time.
You'll drop him off and watch him walk to the door, without you, and you'll wish you could go back to the nights where he refused to sleep unless he was in your arms.
You'll want to go back to those sleepy grins and even the hours where he cries for absolutely no reason at all.
And regardless of how exhausted you are at 6am, you do your best to soak in every moment.
The moments where he is easy to love and the moments where you feel like you are at the very end of your patients.
But this morning, at 6am, you rest in knowing that for at least right now, you get to hold him.
You get to breathe him in and watch his little eyelids flutter as he dreams.
And you realize something else.
You realize that even though you long for just one night of uninterrupted sleep, you wouldn't trade this moment for anything.
You wouldn't trade this moment for anything because you know that all too soon, moments like these, will come to an end.