Dear Tiny Human Inside My Body,
You are only the size of a strawberry, but you are already so loved. I don't feel like we know each other very well yet, but you have your suttle ways of letting me know you are there. You have already turned me against Oreos and you are working on turning me against Chipotle, which you may or may not realize, but these are (were) my two favorite foods. I'm hoping this is just temporary.
For the next eight months, the two of us are going to start getting to know each other. You may think I'm already a pro at the whole - being pregnant thing, but this pregnancy feels like my first. This sounds confusing, because you have an older brother! Someday, you will understand what I'm talking about. Lets just say, you have made yourself known way before Landon decided to. But don't worry, we will learn together and I will do everything possible to keep you safe and prepare you to enter into this world as a healthy, beautiful, baby.
This is your Papa!
He is the best, hardest working man I know. He was so excited when I told him you existed. He is fun, loving, smart, and will make sure the two of us are raising you the way we need to. You will soon learn, he is the best in the world at swaddling!
This is your big brother!
He is two and full of energy. Believe it or not, he understands your existence. Every day he points to my belly and says, "Baby in there? Mama have baby?" Now, whether or not he knows what he is in for by gaining a sibling, is a mystery, but he knows you are in there. And he thinks you are a girl! If we ask him if he is going to have a brother or a sister, he responds, "Sister! A girl!" Maybe you are a girl, or maybe he thinks you are a girl because Daniel The Tiger's mama had a girl. He is a special little boy, maybe its his intuition.
Speaking of gender, I think we are indifferent. Part of me thinks it would be fun to have all little boys! But another part of me would love to have girl! I loved having a big brother growing up and I'm sure Landon would be great with a little sister (and he may not have to share his cars as much).
This is me, your mama.
You are only nine weeks into development, but I already can't wait for your arrival. I can't wait to see what you will look like and what your personality will be. I'll do my best to figure out what calms you down the fastest and we will hopefully fall into a nursing routine as soon as possible. I promise to make you feel safe, encourage you, and to love you unconditionally.
I feel like I have so much time to prepare for your arrival. 8 WHOLE MONTHS! When Landon was born, I only had eight hours. You are both, already, so wonderfully different. I can't wait to see the two of you interact. I'm sure he will teach you how to stack blocks, and how to run cars down the batman ramp. He will also teach you how to be a picky eater and how to dump water out of the bathtub (which is a sure way to end your bath time just as fast as it started).
You have so much to learn, but the best thing for you to do now, is to continue to grow into a strong, healthy human being. I can't wait to see how both of us change and develop in the upcoming months.
The Owner Of The Stomach You Are Currently Renting
Aka: Mama